  • Meteo
  • WebCam
  1. La Val di Sole vista da WEB DESIGNER

  2. Pellizzano visto da HOTEL PEZZOTTI

  3. Il Passo Tonale visto da HOTEL LA TORRETTA

  4. La Presanella vista da HOTEL CHALET AL FOSS

Slope of Rabbi

The cross-country track of the Rabbi valley develops within the National Stelvio Park along five kilometres of track that varies from the technical point of view and from the landscape point of view.

The ring articulates over various degrees of difficulty. The first part of the track crosses flat land through the woods. After the Rabbies river, it skirts it for a while to reach a branch where cross-country skiers can face the more demanding part.

At this stage, the track enables less expert skiers to continue towards the last part of the section that takes them back to the starting point. Part of the track is also illuminated for night time skiing.

Technical data

Total length of slopes: 5
Starting height: 1240 m
Gradient: 45 m
Number of rings: 1
Night lighting: YES (2 Km)
Slope homologation: NO
Food and refreshments: YES
Cross-country ski school: NO
Ski hire: YES
Toilets and changing rooms: NO
Entrance: FREE
Hotel Chalet al Foss - Vermiglio Sport Hotel Rosatti - Dimaro Hotel Rosa degli Angeli - Peio Hotel Arcangelo - Pellizzano
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