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Apple Strudel

For the pastry: 250 g of semi-wholewheat flour, 1 egg, 3 tbsps of  extra-virgin olive oil, half a cup of water, a pinch of salt. For the filling: 2 kg of Renetta apples, 150 g of dry biscuits, 50g of sultanas, 50 g of pine nuts, 1 tbsp. of honey, the grated rind of 1 lemon, cinnamon, half a cup of apple juice.
Mix a pinch of salt into the flour and make a fountain with the flour on a pastry board. Mix in the egg and 2 tbsps. of oil, then gradually add just enough water to give the dough the right consistency. Knead it for at least ten minutes, until it becomes smooth and elastic. Roll it into a ball, grease with a little oil and leave to rest for about half an hour. In the meantime wash and soak the sultanas, peel and slice the apples. Then place the two ingredients in a bowl, add the honey, the cinnamon, the pine nuts and the grated lemon rind, mix well and leave to macerate. Roll the dough out on a flour-covered tea cloth, aiming for a very thin pastry. Sprinkle the crushed biscuits over 2/3 of the pastry, then pour over the mixture from the bowl. Start rolling the pastry up by lifting the tea cloth from the side with the filling, so that the part of the pastry without the fruit is folded over the top.  Using the tea cloth to help you, place the strudel on the oven plate or on a greased, floured oven dish and bake at 220 °C. After about half an hour, brush the pastry with the apple juice, then continue baking for about another 15-20 minutes.

Recommended wines:
Moscato Giallo, served at a temperature of 12 °C.

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