  • Meteo
  • WebCam
  1. La Val di Sole vista da WEB DESIGNER

  2. Pellizzano visto da HOTEL PEZZOTTI

  3. Il Passo Tonale visto da HOTEL LA TORRETTA

  4. La Presanella vista da HOTEL CHALET AL FOSS

Other sports

From the happy combination of sports activity and hospitality, Val di Sole offers a wide range of opportunities for all sports-lovers.  

Thanks to the shape of the valley which is in a position to offer a wide and always different range of environmental situations, from the 3000 metres of the eternal glaciers, where to ski in summer, to the little villages along the bottom of the valley, to practise any kind of sport is the most enjoying and natural activity.

We offer a variety of sports and activities that you can enjoy in summer in Val di Sole.

Trout fishing in river Noce
Alpinism Free climbing
Free flying
Val di Sole - Free climbing in Val di Sole
Hotel Chalet al Foss - Vermiglio Sport Hotel Rosatti - Dimaro Hotel Rosa degli Angeli - Peio Hotel Arcangelo - Pellizzano
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